
Bill Gates told the world how he really feels about NFTs. In a 50-second clip, he dismisses the virtual assets as โ€œ100% based on greater fool theory,โ€ the idea that you can always sell overpriced assets to greater foolsโ€”until, of course, there are none left.

50 sec clip link: [\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1536827913852465152%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\]( View Reddit by OneGlobalCitizen – View Source


Chainers NFT on Twitter!!!!!!!

Chainers NFT on Twitter!!!!!!! new #sneakpeeks have arrived meet Skeleton Chainers โ˜ ๏ธarenโ€™t they perfect? wanna get one?#GoChainers #SolanaNFTs #SOL #NFTCommunity — Chainers NFT (@ChainersNFT) June 16, 2022 View Reddit by Chinesepolic – View Source


StarsโญArt True DAO NFT Marketplace | NFTs & Tatoo Art Trend | Artist & Celebrity Collaboration

**NFTs & Tatoo Art**โญ Fans who seek souvenirs from their encounters with stars can now take a break. With NFTs, purchasing a piece of celebrity legacy is becoming part of our daily routine. ๐Ÿ“Œ Imagine getting Mike Tysonโ€™s famous face tattoo or Justin Bieber’s Jesus ink …in the form of a digital asset! Though tattooing has yet remained an analog…

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