takashi murakami
NFT News

Takashi Murakami Comes Under Fire For Sniping His Own Rare NFTs

NFT Twitter is accusing artist Takashi Murakami of allegedly sniping his own rare NFTs. Additionally, NFT Twitter is blaming Murakami for inflating the floor price of his Murakami.Flowers collection. “Murakami.Flower #2619” from Murakami’s latest collection. Twitter users have pointed out that it is unethical for owners to buy all the rares before the metadata has even been updated on Opensea;…

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braw haus
NFT News

Connecting Communities Through Digital Art

Unquestionably, digital art is becoming increasingly popular, in part due to the popularity of NFTs. As a result, studios like Braw Haus are working to push the boundaries and connect digital art to community-building. Braw Haus’ Patricia Gloum (left) and Justine Vilgrain (right). NFTevening met Justine Vilgrain and Patricia Gloum to discuss how the groundbreaking creative studio is elevating the…

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Party Degenerates enters new partnership to create "The NFT Island"
NFT News

Party Degenerates, Ushuaïa Ibiza x Hï Ibiza Make Ibiza The NFT Island

Party Degenerates is partnering with The Night League to turn the world’s greatest party destination into “The NFT Island.” Meanwhile, The Night League is the team behind award-winning nightclubs Ushuaïa and Hï Ibiza. With its new partnership, Party Degenerates is creating “The NFT Island” Credit: International Business Times, Singapore Party Degenerates Making Ibiza “The NFT Island” Through the partnership, Party…

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People of Crypto Lab to increase diversity, participation and representation in Web3.
NFT News

People of Crypto Lab Create A Sandbox Metaverse Centre For Diversity

The Sandbox is collaborating with People of Crypto Lab to create the first-ever diversity & inclusivity center in the metaverse.  People of Crypto Lab to increase diversity, participation and representation in Web3. People of Crypto Lab’s Metaverse Centre For Diversity in The Sandbox ‘The Center for Belonging’ is launching in June 2022 during The Sandbox Alpha 3. Furthermore, it will…

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Artwork by Alessandro Bavari PoseidonDAO
NFT News

PoseidonDAO Comes Under Fire For Publicly Shaming An NFT Artist

PoseidonDAO finds itself in hot water after releasing a reckless tweet publicly slandering a Web3 artist. After pouring countless hours and energy into your work, watching it sell should bring good fortune. Instead, Alessandro Bavari received malicious tweets from PoseidonDAO, targeting his reputation and self-worth. “META-CELESTIAL SAINTS” series, dedicated to Saints and Martyrs. “THE ELECTRIC SAINT”Credit: Alessandro Bavari So What…

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