
Check out my NFT listing on OpenSea!

[Check out my NFT listing on OpenSea!]( ​ View Reddit by Youjo_ – View Source


My Video of Crysis 1 (2007) is reached 5.000.000 views on my Youtube (Crysis Nuke). How a old game is (STILL TODAY) better than actual games. in years my video went VIRAL on the internet and it go on YouTube Trend 2021. there’s a NFT on the Description on my YouTue Video. What do you guys think?

My Video of Crysis 1 (2007) is reached 5.000.000 views on my Youtube (Crysis Nuke). How a old game is (STILL TODAY) better than actual games. in years my video went VIRAL on the internet and it go on YouTube Trend 2021. there’s a NFT on the Description on my YouTue Video. What do you guys think? View Reddit by…

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NFT News

MOAR NFT by Joan Cornella: Everything You Need To Know

The MOAR NFT collection features 5,555 creatures on the Ethereum blockchain. Together with FWENCLUB, Spanish artist Joan Cornellà’s 200 hand-drawn attributes make up this unique group of humans, cyborgs, and zombies. They now live together peacefully in an unusual metaverse mansion. Let’s take a peak in this mansion shall we. Can you handle any MOAR? Credit: OpenSea MOAR NFT Collection…

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