
Central African Republic has legally recognized the use of cryptocurrency after …

Central African Republic has legally recognized the use of cryptocurrency after the president approved a law adopted by deputies last week that has also made bitcoin an official currency alongside the West African CFA franc in the African nation. Credit: @masonversluis / tiktok #nft #cryptocurrency #blockchain #nftart #cryptolife#defi #token #blockchainnews #nonfungibletokens #nftdrop #cryptoinvestment #instacrypto #cryptolover #nftartwork #nonfungible #nonfungibletoken #ethereumtrading…

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Mint Some LibreDeFi NFTs and reap the benefits

Hey, how about having one of the LibreDeFi Animal Farm NFTs for as low as 8300 $Libre or 0.38 BNB equivalent to $150! Head over to ⬇️ and mint some NFTs for yourself! 🔥🔥 View Reddit by KingJulsXp – View Source


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