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NFT News

Jesse Smith and Team up to Explore the Carkayous Continent

Over the past year, the Web3 sphere has seen numerous creations and drops supported by diverse and imaginative universes. Many of which, represent hastily cobbled together worlds that lack both continuity and depth. The latest bucks this trend however, coming from impeccable pedigree, and designed over a 13-year period by ‘new school art’ maestro and tattoo wizard, Jesse Smith. The…

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The First NFT in the World with Inspiring Messages that can change our life. . …

The First NFT in the World with Inspiring Messages that can change our life. . Check out our new NFT Collection. . The Plastic Bag NFT- Exclusive #450 . Listing @OpenSea: . Twitter :@plasticbagnfts . #nft #newdrop #newdrops #minting #mint #minting #theplasticbagnft #nfts #nftcollection #nftart #nftartwork #crptoart #opensea #blockchain #cryptoartist #nftcollectibles #nftartgallery #nftdrops #openseanft #openseart Source