Source by nastyacher2
Author: NFT Superhero
NFT Marketplace
Source by daniellelebovit
Mercado – Nft Marketplace Dashboard
Source by vektorastudio
Bidzen – NFT Marketplace Figma Template
Source by BeautifulWebsiteDesign
NFT Marketplace Figma Template for Xhibiter
Source by zykovvyacheslavjley
Makinft – Figma NFT Marketplace Template
Source by zykovvyacheslavjley
NFT Marketplace UX/UI Design | UX Research
Source by gabri_elaa28
UI design for NFT Platform
NFT UI Design for Marketplace designed by Darina Yefymova. Connect with them on Dribbble; the global community for designers and creative professionals. Source by darina_yefymovaprodesign
Develop Nft Game, Nft Marketplace, Staking , Crypto Game On Evm, Solana
About: Welcome here, I’m a senior web3/blockchain developer, here I’ll provide Decentralized Exchange(DEX) and Coin/ERC20/NFT staking pool with management site. Staking pools will work on any EVM compatible chains such as Ethereum, Binance smart chain, Polygon, Fantom, Avalanche and it’s like I will also provide management panel for various functions such as create new pool, change pool parameters, show/hide pool…
Crystalo NFT Marketplace App UI Kit
Source by mariannaabo