NFT News

Deadmau5 To Speak At Web3 Day At International Music Summit Ibiza

NFT Evening

PIXELYNX announces a metaverse & Web3 day at an International Music Summit Ibiza where Deadmau5 will speak. PIXELYNX is a new music gaming platform created by a group of musicians and technologists including Deadmau5 himself. In addition, they will be hosting panel discussions, presentations and clinics concerning the Web3 space.The aim is to provide IMS Ibiza attendees with a comprehensive understanding of how to navigate and attack opportunities within the metaverse.Deadmau5 will speak at the International Music Summit about Web3. Credit: Deadmau5The International Music Summit will feature a seven-hour program from highly respected guest speakers in the music and Web3 industry.Deadmau5 is Bullish On Music and Web3 IntegrationThe music industry is currently being transformed through the integration of Web3 and NFTs. The initiative that the IMS has come up with will help educate people on whats happening with music and the metaverse. Further, they aim to demystify this new frontier and show artists, their teams and the industry how to take advantage.Every IMS attendee will receive a free NFT. Deadmau5 will create a POAP that will represent a chance for attendees to create a crypto wallet. Consequently, a POAP is a digital badge NFT that stands for proof of attendance protocol.Finally, the International Music Summit is the leading platform for industry, culture and education in electronic music. Further, PIXELYNX is a music gaming platform as previously mentioned. As a result of their Web3 experience, both parties feel as though this is the perfect partnership to educate patrons on NFTs and the music industry. Are you tired of missing important NFT drops?Just check out our NFT Calendar!Receive the biggest NFT news of the day & recommendations in our Daily newsletter.  All investment/financial opinions expressed by are not recommendations.This article is educational material.As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.

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