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New artists on SuperRare – SuperRare Editorial

New artists on SuperRare – SuperRare Editorial

Your weekly introduction to new artists on SuperRare.


Harry Jow is an Animation Artist based in Indonesia. He has his own unique style and has a thing for thriller, mystery, sci-fi, and horror theme.

Teenagers from MarsEdition 1 of 1In the year of 2666, humans have found a way to survive on the red planet. There, they are still doing terraform process by blowing up nuclear bombs as many as possible. Unexpectedly, they find a treasure in the underground of the red planet. And to be able to take it, they need a lot of human resources. So, they have a plan to take the teenagers on Earth to help them find the treasure. Earth is already too messed up! For that reason they offer a bright future on the red planet. But the future isn’t always bright. After arriving there, Mars is still like hell and the teenagers will only be enslaved. Some teenagers are forced to follow all their orders. And some teenagers escape to a town called Solis Planum, a dead city with giant skull monuments and blood-red rivers. That’s where the teenagers hide, commit suicide, have fun and plan for their revenge.


Aerial Photographer and Fire-fighter based in Australia. I have a strong passion for combing the unique composition of drone photography with textures of the ocean.

Majestic VoyageEdition 1 of 1In life, we are not often granted moments that stop you in your place, to admire the beauty of what you’re seeing. It’s been said that humans and whales have strong similarities which is why we develop lasting connections viewing these pinnacles of the ocean. Humpbacks make one of the longest animal migrations known to man, and they do so without fail every single year. In the summertime, the humpbacks gather down south in the chilly Arctic waters, where they feed plentifully on krill. This is their feeding season and readies them for the journey ahead to give birth. Each year, I travel 2 hours to the ocean in the hope of witnessing them travel up the Pacific during their northern migration along the coastline. On this occasion, I spotted what appeared to be a small pod of humpbacks, several kilometres out to sea. I hastily launched my drone out towards the sprays and was left completely speechless by what I was witnessing. A pod of 5 whales gracefully travelling as one, in the clearest waters of the deep that I had ever filmed. All the years of patiently waiting had culminated into this one moment, as the leader of the pod came up for a single breath of fresh air, before diving into the depths below. When I flew the drone back, I was numb with satisfaction from the footage I had captured. A truly surreal moment to be fully immersed in the beauty of nature. Due to the 50 mb upload limit of SR, the full 4K 124 mb file will be delivered to the collector on a separate file sharing service


Born in NYC in the 1940’s, Lawrence has lived through & documented the evolution of life(styles) in the city. Wanting to build upon his psychedelic experiences in the East Village in ’67, he bought a camera in ’73 & began using infrared film & crystalline filters to create new perspectives on the American landscape. After completing the iconic project in ’86, he stored the work for nearly four decades. By releasing them now, he hopes to inspire new analog awareness within digital culture.

Heavenly ChordsEdition 1 of 1The speed of light slows to the speed of sound. As the energy expands over time, the blue aura thickens, becoming the site for the celestial archetypes of Heaven. In this psychedelic tableau of Heavenly Harmony, a female angel and her twin generate mesmerizing prismatic sound waves. The black triangular center echoes the black void of the Cosmic Golden Egg as a complete example of energy regeneration. This visionary experimental series — fusing analog and digital mediums — focuses on singular images which cross multiple structural, chromatic, and psychic planes of attunement. By digitally folding and unfolding the image, the process allows viewers the opportunity to have deeper and more refined optical experiences of Nature and urban architecture as sacred realities. The auratic colors, emergence of meditative geometry, and crystalized primal vibrations may help open the viewer’s “third eye” by uncovering a living connection between consciousness and waves of complex solar energies. This digital fold was chosen to explore and expand Lawrence Horn’s analog archive, referenced on the blockchain as The Digital Archive, accessible via


My name is Artur Falcao. I’m a visual artist based in Florianópolis, an island full of tales and stories in which I mix aspects of my day and Graffiti to generate my artistic style. My references applied to my art come from my experience, sensitivity and analysis of emotional, musical and analytical aspects. I like to bring the observer of my work on a unique journey full of references and insights.

Lucid dreamsEdition 1 of 1A restless mind that at times tries todisconnect from the world, Fruit ofpeace and chaos linked to a uniquestate of consciousness, whereeverything is alive and fully energized.Possibilities open up a uniqueuniverse, captured entirely by ourfeelings and experiences.


I’m a Miami-born, animator, illustrator, and director. My work is typically character-driven with a touch of whimsey.

SeenEdition 1 of 1Finally seen but she was always there.


Pieter Schoolwerth explores and experiments with the effects of generalized abstraction on representations of the human form.

Swetaverse (Model for Rigged #9)Edition 1 of 1Pieter Schoolwerth employed CGI forthe imagery of his new paintings fromthe series ‘Rigged’, shown atKraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin andPetzel Gallery, New York, 2022.


Blake Kathryn is a Los Angeles based 3d artist with a surreal futurist aesthetic. Her work fuses vibrant palettes with ethereal undertones, creating dreamlike experiences across various forms of media. She has collaborated with Adidas, Complex, Fendi, Jimmy Choo, Lil Nas X & more.

FlorereEdition 1 of 1An eternal bloom, a flourishthroughout time. An abstractinterpretation of my holisticrelationship with managing panicdisorder, finding peace throughout themoments of hazy chaos.


MimikryEdition 1 of 1This short film with free interpretationcelebrates all the feelings we had inthe past of our lives and we stillhaven’t found the right words todescribe them.


Jacqueline ‘Jisu’ Choe is a young Korean-American artist who draws upon her past as a highschool dropout and young internet star. Her independent work combines dark pop culture themes with sophisticated digital painting technique and has won her awards within the contemporary art space (Beautiful Bizarre Magazine – Digital Category 2021) and has exhibited in physical and digital galleries (Haven Gallery, MoCDA)

TherapyEdition 1 of 1A celebration of the beautiful herbthat is known as weed. I wanted toportray Marijuana in a beautiful light,unlike how society sees it. I tookinspiration from fine artists like Klimtand Van Gogh and combined it withcontemporary taste to create a fine“weed art”. Art is my therapy– just likeweed– and I hope to have capturedthe tranquil solace I myself and manyothers find in celebrating its beautifulprocess.


The Original Diet Soda ™

Hazy AfternoonEdition 1 of 1Round and round the pot goes. Don’tblink long, this bong grows.

SuperRare is a marketplace to collect and trade unique, single-edition digital artworks.

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