NFT News

MindBlowon NFT Project Is Now Completely Sold Out


Recently, the MindBlowon NFT collection clarified on Twitter that their project has fully sold out after the minting process began a few hours before.

The MindBlowon NFT project sold out their 6969 item collection late last night.

The Mint

According to many users, the minting process for MindBlowon was smooth, easy and actually a bit of fun. This is a stark contrast to most mints we hear about that are slow, and sometimes basic.

The mint was done through a ‘Fair Dutch Auction’. To clarify, this acts like a normal Dutch Auction (with the NFT mint starting at a ceiling price of 0.69 ETH and decreasing by 0.05 ETH every 30 minutes until it hits the low mint price of 0.169 ETH). Once the auction concludes, anyone who minted a MindBlowon NFT higher than the last price will receive a refund. This meant that everyone paid the same price.

For the mint, users were met with a vending machine in which they had to go through a process of choosing a can. Once the mint was successful, they received a soda can which is the pre-reveal standard image for all of the NFTs. A video example of the mint can be seen here, as @dagelanco posted, who is working with the project.

Many onlookers and supporters have taken well to the team, and the project as a whole very well. One Twitter user, @PratiknyoWanyi said: “The team is deeply connected to the community. They engage with all community members regardless of how many followers they have. ” This was a part of an extremely positive thread speaking about MindBlowon.

About MindBlowon

MindBlowon is a new NFT project on the Ethereum blockchain. Currently, the pre-reveal image are soda cans of varying flavors, however, post-reveal, based on the sneak peeks, the main NFTs are set to be characters, examples of which can be seen on their Twitter.

On OpenSea, the floor price sits at 0.46 ETH, or just over $1100, after a Dutch Auction mint.

The MindBlowon creator is arguably what’s most impressive about the project. Indeed, artist LickPalick has a combined Twitter follower count of over 1 million between his personal account (@lickpalick) and the account for his comic strip (@tahilalats).

As a matter of fact, MindBlowon is the Web3 rebirth of Tahilalats. Since starting the comic strip back in 2015, LickPalick has collaborated with Sony, Samsung, PlayStation, Spotify, and other major brands.

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