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How Storytelling Can Sell Your NFT Project

NFT Storytelling Art Sell Project

Last year, Chamber’s Dictionary announced NFT as their ‘Word of the Year’. Since then, the popularity of NFTs has soared even higher. In short, if you have an NFT project to launch in the near future, chances are you’re going to need all the help you can if you want to stand out in an already crowded market.

So how can you get the word out about your project? Well, having deep pockets and friends in the right places always helps, but for those without either, here’s a tried and tested way to cut through the static.

 Storytelling is a time-honoured method of spreading information. Ever since we learned to communicate, as a species we’ve used stories to spread knowledge. Now, like everything else in life, there are good ways to tell a story and bad ways to tell a story, and knowing the difference can make ALL the difference.

 So, here are three ways to use storytelling to share your NFT project. 

Be Unique 

If you want to elevate your project above others make sure it’s not like anything else. Making the story behind your NFT project unique will not only help people remember it, it can help them find it again.

Chances are the first time anyone stumbles across your project it will be just that a stumble. Maybe they’ll see a link on Reddit or catch sight of an ad, but chances are it will just slip by unnoticed unless the story catches their imagination. Yet even if it does, there’s no guarantee they’ll follow the link or even remember the project name.

However, if your story does reach them and lodges in their mind, if the story is one of a kind, chances are good that they’ll be able to search for it and find it again. Of course, capturing someone’s imagination in seconds leads us nicely into the second tip on our list.

Be Succinct

There’s a place for your novella, your white paper, and maybe even the screenplay for your live-action animated series. However, there’s also a place for the razor-sharp abridged version, and this is the one you’ll want to nail first.

The internet has shrunk the world and with it our attention span. They used to say a newspaper headline had 15 seconds to snare a reader, these days we’re lucky if we give a tenth of that. Snagging attention in nanoseconds requires some skill and some would argue talent.

You can of course hire a pro, but high-ticket copywriters are just that and until you can afford the fees that come with their skill, it’s a good idea to try writing this copy yourself. This part of your story is the tagline. It’s the 10-to-30-word summation that pulls the reader in but leaves them hungry.

These are the headlines you see on film posters and the equivalent of the elevator pitches hungry screenwriters hurl at every director they happen upon on the streets of Tinsel Town. Take time to find the best 30 words to describe your project and then buy yourself a beer/soda for every word you can shave off.

Be Honest

The crypto-curious can smell nonsense like sharks sniff blood. When composing your story, stick to the facts and try not to exaggerate. Remember, having faith and even a little bit of pride in your project is one thing, but tell it like it is.

Also, avoid over-hyping your project with so-called power-packed words and huge sweeping statements. Unless you are literally going to change the world, don’t say world-changing. Unless you plan to tear down the establishment and dance in the ashes, don’t call it a revolution.

Instead, be open and transparent, and even humble. God knows there’s enough FUD Fear Misinformation and Doubt in the crypto world as it is and the last thing you want to do is let potential investors think you’re going to add more.

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*All investment/financial opinions expressed by NFT Plazas are from the personal research and experience of our site moderators and are intended as educational material only. Individuals are required to fully research any product prior to making any kind of investment.

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