NFT News

Why Did This Guy’s Koda NFT Turn Into A Banana Peel?

image of a Koda NFT

Twitter NFT influencer BAYC9797 revealed that his precious Koda NFT had gone missing. Accordingly, the digital asset vanished from his Otherdeed NFT shortly after its reveal. The collector contacted OpenSea, Yuga Labs, and Otherside Meta to solve the issue. In fact, the digital asset might’ve been part of a test data on the live site prior to the actual NFT reveal.

NFT collector BAYC9797 has just reported his latest Koda NFT as missing shortly after minting an Otherdeeds digital asset. Credits: Twitter

How did the Koda NFT just disappear?

In a long Twitter thread, the collector BAYC9797 explained the situation. To begin with, he purchased six Otherdeed NFTs before their reveal date. Later on the same day, he noticed a Koda NFT on the Deed 9797 land.

Koda NFTs are undoubtedly valuable, as collectors couldn’t purchase them. Therefore, user BAYC9797 was excited about his new digital asset.

However, when he tried to get a second look at the land, the Koda NFT was missing. In fact, the entire Otherdeed asset was swapped for a different plot. This one featured a Banana Peel artifact, the Oblivion Southern resource – and no Koda NFT.

“My Koda was swapped in the backend and given to someone else,” he wrote.

Twitter screenshot of a message from NFT collector BAYC9797 of his Otherdeeds NFT
The collector suddenly noticed his Otherdeeds NFT getting swapped for a Banana Peel one. Credits: Twitter

What did the project admins reply?

Of course, the collector immediately contacted the Otherside support team to report his missing Koda NFT. He also reached out to OpenSea and Yuga Labs on social media, Discord, and email; allegedly, nobody replied.

Finally, he was able to get in touch with user P. Pablo of the Otherside team. He replied that the situation was in fact test data on a live site. However, he also mentioned that he can’t provide any details on the matter because he “was not working on it”.

“I did not want to make this tweet,” trader BAYC9797 wrote. “I’ve thought about it so much but I have no choice but to make my issue public and hopefully, I can get answers. I’ve worked with dozens of dev teams, developers, and website creators; never have I seen anyone use test data on a public domain.”

All in all, the collector had 7 support tickets opened by the Otherside admin team on his missing Koda NFT. Their reply came five days later, saying that “prior to the reveal, test data was exposed and people may have seen a change between the test data and final production values.”


What are Koda NFTs anyway?

In short, Koda NFTs are “the primal beings that have ushered us into the Otherside”. These digital assets are an essential part of the Otherside ecosystem. Surprisingly, Kodas decide which virtual characters can join their metaverse.

However, Koda NFTs were not for sale. Instead, they come as additional traits in the dynamic Otherdeeds NFTs. To clarify, some collectors’ Otherdeeds NFTs may include Kodas, while others don’t.

In conclusion, Kodas are very valuable. Of course, these fascinating characters started a buzz among NFT collectors. This is also the reason why collector BAYC9797 was shocked when his Koda NFT had gone missing.

You can learn more about Koda NFTs, including their traits and Metaverse utility, in our Koda NFT in-depth post here.

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