
The First NFTs Metachain by ShuttleOne

ShuttleOne, a pioneering project on the verge of becoming the de facto operating system for all blockchain-based financial applications, is developing the Metachain, the first-of-its-kind multichain infrastructure.

The Metachain provides a single interface for accessing multiple blockchain protocols, allowing developers to consolidate their products on a single interface while reaping the benefits of different protocols.

They can also create applications that can work on any of the supported blockchain protocols by utilizing the Metachain infrastructure.

The Metachain ecosystem’s multi-blockchain capabilities are derived from the Metachain bridge, a first-of-its-kind two-way asset bridge that supports Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Tezos protocol.

The Metachain bridge, which is currently on the testnet, presents itself as the future of multichain NFTs by enabling fast, secure, convenient, and inexpensive token transfers across all supported networks.

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