NFT News

Crypto Address Fat Finger Mistake Loses One Man 9ETH And A Friend

NFT Evening

Upon scanning the NFT space, one common similarity inside NFT projects is a talk of “community” and how they see their community as family. While this may be true for some, most know the harsh marketing scheme reality we face today in the Web3 industry. However, these few “genuine” communities inside the NFT realm can harbor individuals who see different meanings of right and wrong and how to verify transactions. Unfortunately, emotions can cloud judgment when messing with money, and fat fingers can cause mistakes.This Fat Finger Mistake cost over 25,000Fat Fingers On The BlockChainAn individual under the Twitter handle @NFT_Papi_ lost upwards of nine ETH. During a supposed safe and friendly transaction with his comrade @MoPeet1. However, after accidentally sending twice the necessary amount to MoPeet, NFT_Papi quickly realized that getting the extra Ethereum back wasn’t going to be as easy as it should. This “Fat Finger” mistake just might cost them dearly.MoPeet claims the tax implications on the amount sent are over 38%. Furthermore, the accused stated nearly one thousand dollars in lawyer fees regarding the situation.“The tax implications alone onme receicng this money are 38% of wat you sent. So no matter what you just cost me almost 4 ETH. I have almost $1000 in lawyer & account fees just going back over this S*** since i got back. I don’t know what you want me to do about this situation.”Additionally, another user commented their stance on the situation & sees the situation as a hard-learned lesson that @NFT_Papi should take to heart and not repeat.“Here’s a hot take. He isn’t obligated to send anything back just because YOU made a mistake. Yes it would be nice of him to return the funds or even some of the funds. But he is in no way obligated to return anything take this as another expensive learning lesson…” – @reeroopeepoo@MoPeet1 responded to the accusations declaring a complete misunderstanding.“- It’s been a misunderstanding and lack of communication on shitty discord no excuses. The fact that it’s all public now only complicates things so much more. Because so many lies and slander have been used.working on solution now”As NFT scams and phishing attacks become more prominent, being mindful of your money is a top priority regardless of the other party’s nature. So be aware of those Fat Fingers!Are you tired of missing important NFT drops?Just check out our NFT Calendar!Receive the biggest NFT news of the day & recommendations in our Daily newsletter.  All investment/financial opinions expressed by are not recommendations.This article is educational material.As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.

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