
Mint Otherside Land – Yuga Labs


as some of you knows, tomorrow will be the mint of the Otherside Land from Yuga Labs.

Weeks ago you had to kyc your wallet address. Because it will be my first time, I kyc’d my address from the ledger and not from the MetaMask.

Now i have several issues which have to be solved, i hope you can help me.

1. Is it possible to take the wallet address from Ledger (maybe by seed phrase) and took it to the MetaMask? If yes, how?

\–> i think i will be to slow if i do it over the ledger/MetaMask-Connection, because i need to validate over the ledger which has not to be done by a MetaMask wallet (or??)

2 . Are there any tricks how i can do it faster / skip the validation of the ledger or,or, or..?

3. Are there any other options?

4. Does the transfer from ApeCoin / ETH Gas Fee also go as well from Ledger as normal ETH? Because there isn’t any ApeCoin-App…. will this work on the ETH-App on the Ledger?

Thank you so much!!

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