NFT News

Interview with Coin Of The City NFT

Interview with Coin Of The City NFT

Greetings, NFT enthusiasts! My guest today is R0B3 — Founder of Coin Of The City.

Chris: The Coin of the City NFT idea is unique and intriguing. How did the team get together to develop the idea and concept behind Coin of the City NFT?

R0B3: During our career in Global companies, we have experienced and enjoyed the relationship between colleagues and partners from all over the world, and the beauty of multicultural friendships. So the idea was to connect people through a NFT project that has an exclusivity embedded in the ownership of the 1/1 coins of every big city. 

Chris: The project represents real-world cities. Is it possible for one to choose their city in the NFT?

R0B3: In an ideal scenario we want to have the owners of the coins, living and operate in the respective city of the coin. Could be one owner or a team of people, could be a collector or a company. If we can achieve to create a global network, then a lot of various opportunities will be there for us to explore, on a personal level, partnership level or as a team. 

Chris: Also, what is the purpose of the Coin Owner Club? How does one enter this club and what are its benefits? 

R0B3: The Owners Club is of course the communication channel between the owners of every coin in the collection. There will be a verification process to enter and the benefits are a multiple. An owner can enter the global network and be in a position to know who owns which city coin, directly communicate with each other, be part of the decision making process, and due to the limitation of the collection we can all together find ways to make the project stronger and productive. With a united network, the floor price goes higher, the localisation of each coin is an opportunity for promoting the NFTs and the options and ideas for growing are endless. Metaverse gallery and hang out spot, play to earn game, charity donations, reselling opportunities but most importantly the exposure that an owner will have in the future as NFTs are becoming mainstream and more popular within social media. Who wouldn’t be proud to hold the coin of their city in their wallet or social media portfolio? 

Chris: In fact, how do I purchase the Coin of the City NFT? Do you have a step-by-step guideline? 

R0B3: The collection will be listed on Opensea and Ethereum blockchain. In our discord platform we have a step by step guideline of how someone can purchase the NFT. Opensea is the most popular platform and ETH the most compatible blockchain. Through Metamask, the NFT is safe and with you at all times, on your phone or PC. 

Chris: The team plans to release tokens in phases. When is the first set going up for sale? What is the expected sale price per token? 

R0B3: The launch was planned on May 8th, the first drop will have 50 city coins, and the set price is 0.1ETH. Second drop on the 15th May with 50 more coins, and on the 22nd May with the last bunch of 50 coins. The roadmap 1.0 has 150 City Coin NFTs and some specials as we want to include cities from different fictional movies or video games that we grow up with. The special coins will be promoted within the hardcore fans and community platforms of those individual cities. 

Chris: Subsequently, how do I know which all cities are being sold at the public mint? Is there a ready list that I can access somewhere? 

R0B3: Yes, all the city coins and their owners will be listed in a few places, obviously on Opensea, our discord and instagram as a start, then to our website and potentially in a metaverse space or game as part of the 2.0 roadmap.  

Chris: Before closing, could you please share some of the key features and characteristics of the token?

R0B3: Sure, the token will be in a GIF format, and every owner will receive a content gift box of the design also in MP4, and the 2 sides of the coin in PNG format so the owners can use the designs as they want. This could motivate people to create content and promote their assets. The first side of the coin has the 3 letters code and the exclusive 1/1 symbol. The back side will feature the skyline of the city with the most important monuments. The background has the digital form as a connection to the internet world and the S Special Cities will have their own background. 

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