NFT News

Animoca Brands CEO Yat Siu Releases Provisional Timeline For APEcoin

NFT Evening

Yat Siu, Animoca Brands CEO and Web3 innovator, released a provisional timeline detailing the current staking encumbrances regarding ApeCoin and the community. As shown in the Graph below, the process is broken up through a three & a half month timeframe. Additionally, the graph details the estimated completion of each phase as well as the payment breakdown going toward the team.Staking provisional timeline provided by Yat Siu Via: TwitterAPEcoin Pushes ForwardThe new proposal comes just two weeks after $Ape holders rejected improvement proposals 4 & 5. While the proposal seems more manageable for the community to swallow, many see a 14-week process far too long considering the more viable options currently available. However, with Animoca’s reputation, the team will take however long is necessary to deliver a viable product to their community. Furthermore, the timeline provided by Yat Siu contained an outline of the UI interface. While the UI interface timeline can take up to 3 months, it will roll out alongside the staking feature.ApeCoin UI interface provisional timeline provided by Yat Siu Via: TwitterThe rise of Web3 applications and NFT projects generating millions in revenue was a rogue wave that shook the financial system to the core. Unfortunately, as NFTs emerged, many viewed the idea of thousand-dollar pictures as a joke or easy money. Thus NFT marketplaces quickly became oversaturated with worthless projects and scams littering an ecosystem with true potential. Yet, through the mass of money grabs and failed collections stood those who adapted and overcame the ever-evolving ecosystem that fosters the growth and opportunities many enjoy. Brilliant minds from Yuga Labs and their communities continue to facilitate the innovative game-changing ideas the Web3 space needs.Are you tired of missing important NFT drops?Just check out our NFT Calendar!Receive the biggest NFT news of the day & recommendations in our Daily newsletter.  All investment/financial opinions expressed by are not recommendations.This article is educational material.As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.

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