NFT News

MAYC Burned as WAGDie Promotes Chaos on the Blockchain

MAYC Burned as WAGDie Promotes Chaos on the Blockchain

As chaos reverberates throughout the crypto empire, the latest generation of NFT collectibles looks to harness this anarchic power. So, in true nihilistic style, newcomers β€˜We Are All Going to Die’ (WAGDie) consigned an unsuspecting Mutant Ape to the fiery pits of a burn wallet.

In what amounts to the crypto equivalent of a blood sacrifice, WAGDie challenged its adherents to burn their revered assets, sending them into the dark void of an inaccessible crypto wallet with no chance of escape. In return, reimbursing the its intrinsic value to the erstwhile holder.

Many followers answered the call, however, it was MAYC #20438 that stole the show. All down to its not so insignificant 21 ETH price tag ($36k at the time, now considerably less). Ever since, the world of NFT Twitter has debated this nonsensical move, while WAGDie in all likelihood sat back, popcorn in hand, and enjoyed the show.

So, as the markets crumble and portfolios sit decimated, We Are All Going To Die looks to stir the pot. Meanwhile confusion and dismay permeate social media as folks look for rhyme and reason in the lunacy. However, in the immortal words of Alfred Pennyworth, β€œsome men just want to watch the world burn”.

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