NFT News

Sartoshi Summons His Inner Satoshi to Vanish Into the Great Unknown

Sartoshi Summons his Inner Satoshi to Vanish Into the Great Unknown

In a move predicted by many, Mfers creator Sartoshi emulated his Bitcoin-founding namesake by disappearing into the great unknown. On his departure, bequeathing control of his 10,021 PFP stick figures to the wider Mfers community.

Sartoshi’s crudely drawn offspring debuted on the Ethereum blockchain at the tail end of last year, entering the sphere with none of the usual bells and whistles such as a roadmap and or Discord. According to his final farewell, the goal was to see how the collection would flourish without leadership at the helm.

Under the watchful gaze of this benevolent god, a number of OG holders stepped into the fray. Firstly, setting up an unofficial project Discord, then creating a multi signature wallet to act as the unofficial treasury. Following this course, Mfers blossomed into a well-respected NFT community, with the floor price hitting the dizzy heights of 5.785 back in February, and the highest sale topping out at a massive 80 ETH.

Now, as he pulls his disappearing act, Sartoshi has updated the smart contract to send 50% of royalties to the unofficial treasury, essentially enabling the community-created Mfers DAO to direct the future of the project as they see fit. At the moment, the crypto downturn coupled with project uncertainty has left the Mfers floor price sitting just above the 1 ETH mark. Where it goes next rests entirely in the hands of the current Mfrs holders.

So, Sartoshi tips his hat against the receding daylight, stubs out his cigarette and casually rides off into the sunset, leaving behind only the dull whisperings of a rumour, and a legacy that will remain immutably attached to the blockchain forever.

Browse Mfers on OpenSea >> Here

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