
NFTBooks and self publishing with PageDAO on polygon. An Opinion piece.

Over the past year I have been discovering and enjoying the communities surrounding NFT’s and digital collectables. However, my absolute favourite communities so far have been surrounding self publishing and digital dissemination of written works. Top of this list is PageDAO and their NFT Book minter.

This piece of technology provides the ability to self publish creative works like poetry, books, and even music, on blockchain technology. As a fairweather writer and musician I found this fascinating. You mean I can share my creations and maybe even make a few bucks in the process? Sign me up!

And sign up I did. I joined the PageDAO community and poked around for a while, meeting a ton of smart and creative people, before I finally knuckled down and bought a membership to mint my very first piece of written work. A book and audiobook I had been working on in my spare time that I was proud of and wanted to show off to people that I had never met.

The publishing process was insanely easy and immediately after I had finished the upload the NFT’s were available in my wallet to do whatever I wanted! If someone like me can figure it out I seriously feel like this could become the Amazon e-book platform of the Web3 world. If anyone reading this is interested in learning more about PageDAO, or even wants to check out my book (Guardian # 51), the ReadMe books collection on Opensea has the inaugural works of PageDAO available at a pretty steep discount with ETH being dirt cheap right now!

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