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Madonna’s Provocative NFT Collection Generates 300 ETH at Auction

Madonna Mother of Creation Beeple NFT

By now, and unless you’ve been living with your head in the sand, you’ve probably heard about the outrageously obscure ‘Mother of Creation’ NFT project from Madonna and Beeple. With much anticipation, the three-part collection dropped last week, and although becoming a victim of much scrutiny, the NFSW collection generated a staggering primary auction sales volume which exceeded 300 ETH ($612,000).

Of the three assets, ‘Mother of Nature,’ which depicts a naked 3D Madonna giving birth to a tree within a research laboratory, was deemed the most sough-after, through its monumental 170 ETH ($347,000) sale. The remaining two NFTs, ‘Mother of Evolution’ and ‘Mother of Technology,’ didn’t do too bad either, having rendered a sales volume of over 130 ETH ($265,000) collectively. 

As its provocative nature inevitably would, the project produced a mixed set of responses, with some community members describing it as expressive, daring, and unapologetically on-brand with the material girl’s controversial essence, whilst others assimilated its 3D artwork to the aesthetics of the PlayStation 2, as well as lacking originality and innovation.

In addition, and although intended to firmly centre around the essence of womanhood, crypto artist and founder of the Tin Museum Ting Song couldn’t help question the male-influence of Beeple within the project :“I watched it a few times. In fact, I personally feel that the visual expression of this work may not be so ‘feminine’. Instead, it feels more like a tech-world male point of view to some extent”.

That being said, and irrespective of whether you think the project is beneficial or detrimental to the wider perception of NFTs (as, through Madonna’s mass-appeal, the collection hit many a mainstream headline), Madonna and Beeple’s adherence to giving to its $612,000+ proceeds to charity undeniably makes it one of net positives, meaning that although critiquing its artwork may be valid, critiquing its existence shouldn’t be. 

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