Why should you care about NFTs? Are they the next Big Asset Breakthrough?Aren’t they just JPG art stored on the blockchain? This book is a basic guide (without the need for technical background) on exactly what NFTs are, how they evolved, and why they have value. We will explore the different types and aspects of NFTs and discuss the different NFT marketplaces and the pros and cons of each. This is NOT a book about how to create, but rather a book on why you should be paying attention to the next revolution. The future of investing has arrived and it’s called Non-Fungible Tokens. These tokens are taking over the market; if you’re looking for a way to make money, keep reading! Learn how to utilize Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) for profit. In this book, you will get a clear picture of what they are, tips on where you can start investing your money wisely, and an introduction to all things related to these revolutionary new digital assets. With thorough research behind it along with decades worth of experience analyzing markets both generally as well as those specifically focused around video games or sports memorabilia. Discover why proof of ownership on the blockchain is the new asset. The world has never seen anything like it. NFTs are a revolutionary new form of digital art that can be bought, sold, and traded just as easily on an open marketplace without any physical presence or representation required – this is the first phase in what could become another major technological transformation similar to how we used technology prior to 1990s internet era! This is Web 3.0 The moment you’ve all been waiting for is finally here. NFTs, or Non-Fungible tokens as they’re more commonly known can be compared to digital goods such as songs and movies in an online store which has unique identifying features rendering them separately trackable from one another – this was possible because of their blockchain technology roots… When you understand the future of Web 3.0 and the vital role that NFTs play in this new world, you will get why investors are so bullish on the future value of these projects. You’ll learn: What non-fungible tokens are, and knowledge to get started.How to make a profit from them & pitfalls to avoidHistory, Key Concepts, and case studies/usesBest marketplaces – Pros & ConsGlossary of TermsSuccess stories, innovative creators, and disruptive projectsPlus QR Codes, Augmented Reality, Gamification, and Metaverse…and so much more! NFTs are a technological breakthrough that will have an unprecedented effect on the world as we know it. You don’t want to miss this breakthrough…
Nft Secrets Revealed : The Next Big Asset Breakthrough – Everything You Need to Know, But Were Too Afraid to Ask… (Hardcover)