NFT News

Digital Architecture and Imagined Worlds: Q&A with SuperRare artist Jarvinart

Digital Architecture and Imagined Worlds: Q&A with SuperRare artist Jarvinart

MBON: What advice do you have for young artists trying to break into the space?

ID: I think they should realize NFTs are not about making a quick buck. We all know there is an incredible hype since last year but all of my friends who have ‘made it’ dedicate an immense amount of time in order to interact with the community and appreciate the culture. This is one of the best parts of this space IMHO, if not the best. I got to meet some incredible artists and friends throughout, and it’s like meeting my own idols that I looked up to for many years.

The key is to genuinely be part of the community, and to not lose motivation when your sales lag from time to time. Simply enjoy your time here, meet with people, and keep creating, like we always did before NFTs. The community support motivates me even on my most desperate days, and I believe that’s the case for many people here.

MBON: Who are some of your favorite artists on SuperRare?

ID: There are so many! Annibale Siconolfi, Thomas Dubois, Paul Chadeisson, Madmaraca, Dangiuz, DeeKay, Reuben Wu, Raphael Lacoste, Donglu, NessGraphics and so many more. Can’t really choose between them.

MBON: Do you draw inspiration from books and movies? What are some of your favorites?

ID: I definitely do. Movies and TV shows like “Blade Runner”, “Dune” and “Arcane” inspire me a lot. I also look through concept art and shots from  movies I haven’t seen before for composition and color palette ideas. Additionally, one of the most inspirational works I’ve seen recently was an episode of LD+R “Jibaro” by Alberto Mielgo. A true masterpiece.

MBON: There is a dreamy element to your work, do you ever find yourself solving creative processes in dreams?

ID: I take this as a great compliment; thank you! It actually happens A LOT. Not necessarily during sleep, but after a long work day my brain doesn’t stop working. When I’m in bed and about to sleep – that’s when I figure out many ideas for the pieces of artwork I am working on. I usually make a quick note of them on my phone so I don’t forget when I wake up!

MBON: Do you work in any other artistic mediums?

ID: I do! I got an iPad last year to keep myself warmed up in my drawing; mostly female character concepts. I haven’t been able to work with acrylic paints for a long time but I plan to soon since it’s very soothing. Changing your medium from time to time is actually very refreshing and inspirational so I try to do it as much as I can!

MBON: Are there any exciting projects you’re working on now you’d like to share with us?

ID: Lately I’ve mostly been working on my upcoming Times Square billboard display! I’m very satisfied with the result and can’t wait to share it with everyone. I am planning to mint it on SuperRare which is super exciting because I couldn’t work on 1/1 artworks for quite some time. I want to make my return back to the platform with a piece of artwork that is special to me. There are some other exciting projects to come this year as well!! 

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