Powered by the Acent blockchain, Unreal Engine, and Steam application management solution DAPPX, Your Earth DAO (YED) is the go-to solution for building an industry-grade metaverse at the centre of a business model, side project, or leisurely gaming experience.
With the publicly verifiable Acent blockchain at its backing, the platform allows users to build their own ‘meta-web’ metaverses through owning land and YED’s native Acent ($ACE) token, where they can then create a passive income stream through virtual voyagers making a visit to their curated digital space.
Land Sale
YED’s launch will be initiated through pledging and land sales. Here, $ACE holders will have the opportunity to participate in the Acent Pledging program to earn EDAO tokens, which are the platform’s revenue and governance tokens.
Follow the project’s Twitter page for more information on the upcoming sale and the first-mover perks that come with it.
YED defines ‘metawebs’ as immersive, decentralized, and gamified layer 1 infrastructures that are essentially havens for building engaging social media and entertainment content on.
Land ownership facilitates metaweb creation, which further creates a passive income stream through generating foot traffic to the attractions within your metaweb, whether that be a digital asset showroom, museum, theme park, or anything else you wish to virtually manifest. In addition, extra revenue can be earned by trading such digital assets on external NFT marketplaces.
To build their own metaweb, users must deploy assets that can be obtained through $ACE token purchases, where once a user owns all of the NFT-backed assets on their metaverse Land, YED can no longer claim or hold them to anything they buy or build on the platform. This is possibly the nirvana of blockchain technology, as decentralization and the power of DAOs can be realized to their fullest capacities.
To build even more immersive metaverse creations, and to fully leverage the tech coinciding with the emergence of Web3, virtual reality and extended reality technologies can also be added to YED metawebs, as well as wearables and sharable metahomes. All of these creations will be displayed in AAA-standard 3D graphics, which are powered by the likes of Unity and Unreal Engine.
Acent Blockchain
The Acent blockchain was developed in response to the challenges which people faced when deploying scalable, high-end, and industrial grade applications due to their innate architectural limitations. It allows users to build meta-apps (such as metawebs), which are applications or businesses inside of a meta-space that can be published or incubated using high-end tools such as Unity or Unreal Engine.
As YED continues its journey as a pioneer in deploying parallel reality simulated metaverse applications for industrial-grade products, it will be launching its 4D, open world creation stage in Q3 of 2022.
Come Q1 of 2023, the project will launch functionalities which allow users to import, produce, and build digital goods on their Lands, which will be made possible through making in-platform, $ACE purchases. Q3 of 2023 will see the start of users receiving $ACE rewards through creating virtual foot traffic to their metawebs.
The final stage in the project’s current roadmap is its ‘Meta Socio’ stage, which will entail a dimension-transcending phenomenon where metaverse avatars can be met in the real world, and real world items can be used in the metaverse.
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