Those who delve deep enough into the metaverse will discover a myriad of magnificent hidden experiences. To set this tone, one such edifice of awe and wonder sees the African Museum take pride and place in the Seoul region of the Voxels realm.
Within its hallowed walls, meta explorers will unearth a grand celebration of the many facets of African art, all housed in a fine three story testament to artistic achievements from this great continent. In fact, a quick look inside reveals the creative prowess of an eclectic range of Africa’s finest digital artists.
For the moment, this monument to the imagination houses two unique experiences, with the ground floor playing home to the unique tones of the Ubuntu gallery. Meanwhile, the top two floors embrace the intricate ‘Forging the Future’ collection, celebrating the latest generation of Africa-based artists, taking their cues from an incredible ‘Rotate Exhibition’ that honours a new set of creators each week.
Furthermore, those venturing to the top will find an in-house party venue complete with ‘pool’ and DJ booth, all set off with a nifty public address system, perfect for procrastinating crypto journalists with too much time on their hands.
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Decentralised human, Explorer, Adventurer.