NFT News

Interview with Cryptodudes NFT

Interview with Cryptodudes NFT

Chris: Hi there! Please introduce yourself. 

Julien: Julien aka Dudemaster, COO of CryptoDudes. In the early 2000s, I founded a company specialized in traffic and lead generation in very competitive markets such as online gambling, dating, poker etc. I sold it in 2010 and became a semi-pro poker player for 3 years before discovering bitcoin.

Chris: The Cryptodudes appear to be pixelated artworks of Kobi, the world-famous digital artist. How are these tokens different from the other artworks of Kobi?

Julien: Yes indeed, Each Dudes is a piece of art made by Kobi.

The huge difference with other pixelart and Kobi’s is the way he renders light with a simple pixel. This is what gives each of his works an incredible relief. This is why he usually works on a large scale with several thousand pixels. Working on the Cryptodudes was a big challenge because he had to keep the “Kobi’s touch” on a picture of only 576×576 pixels and to think about each trait so the shadows and lights fit perfectly on each of the 2222 dudes.

But he could certainly speak to you about it much better than me. I invite you to come and chat with him in discord 🙂

Chris: Subsequently, what are some of the benefits of becoming a part of the Brotherhood Club and Yield Earnings?

Julien: Owning a CRYPTODUDE grants access to the BrotherHood and the Yield platform to earn $DUDE tokens.

Brotherhood members have access to exclusive staking pools (boosted Yield earnings).

They will also benefit from the private discord rooms; Early Access, business talk, Trading signals, Alpha/degen calls.

The value of the $DUDE token will be supported by purchasing future collections and merch in $DUDE token only.

Chris: Each Cryptodude NFT is very different from the other. What are the important traits and differentiating features of these Cryptodudes? Also, do you have a rarity reference for the investors?

Julien: The collection has 3 main families of rarity. First, there are portraits of crypto influencers among them, for instance BitBoy. Then, Kobi has created totally unique models, iconic figures of the crypto market such as Elon Musk, Snoop Dogg or CZ from Binance. There is also a “McDo” Dude that I think will be particularly appreciated by these times of bear market ;). Finally, There are the randomly generated dudes which are unique and have 7 different trait groups.

We keep the collection a bit mysterious on purpose but I can tell you for example that if you have a dude with a red tie and a diamond earring, you are – very – lucky. But the most important, they are all freaking cool.

Chris: Consequently, what is the floor price of each token including gas? How much is the minting fee per token?

Julien: The Cryptodudes are FREE. It’s a choice that was imposed on us for 2 reasons: Firstly, the NFT market is oversaturated and has lost a lot of interest from the general audience (only the real ones remain ;)). And secondly, we really wish that small masterpieces of pixel art deserve to be owned by the largest possible community.

The minting fee doesn’t depend on us but it should be very reasonable since the fees on the ethereum network have never been so low.

Chris: Moreover, how is the core team organized? Who are the other members apart from Kobi and how do they contribute to developing the Cryptodudes?

Julien: We are a small but growing team.

Besides myself, the core team is composed of 0xlez, CTO, and John, CMO. 0xLez handles the coding and deployment of the smart contracts. Our smart contracts are optimized to reduce the gas fees during the mint. Jonjohn.eth is the maestro behind the marketing and knows how to make the community super friendly thanks to its knowledge of trending memes and high levels of pop culture.

Chris: Additionally, how else can I use my Cryptodudes token? What are the benefits that come along with owning the token?

Julien: Dudes will have early access to upcoming collections and holders will be eligible for airdrops.
The community will also vote for the theme and the legendary CRYPTODUDES of the next collections through the voting system provided for the owners of the CryptoDudes NFTs.
We may airdrop some tokens or dudes to the diamond hands.

Chris: In the end, please help us understand your roadmap for the next two quarters. How does the Cryptodude team move forward after completing sales for the 2222 tokens?

Julien: Our model is simple: Create a strong community around the coolness of dudes. Generate interest on the secondary market (opensea) thanks to the numerous community contests that we will launch as soon as the collection is revealed.

As soon as we have generated enough volume on Opensea, we will unlock the different steps of the roadmap:

First step, We release the confined dudes, 5 dudes (token held back from the sale) are airdropped to random CryptoDudes holders.

Step 2 : Exclusive community channels, surprise raffles (e.g win a Cryptodudes portrait of yourself) and more…

Step 3: CryptoDudes owners can vote for the next scenes (NFT owner and/or $DUDE Token)

Step 4 : the holders get private access to the CRYPTO DUDES traders club (Crypto trading signals & insights, NFT & ICO early calls) driven by the community.

Step 5 : Member-exclusive CryptoDudes merch store gets unlocked, featuring limited-edition tees, hoodies, and other goodies.

Final step : The holders will get early access to future drops and will be eligible for special perks.


2 NFTs MINT per wallet.

July 6th, 7:30 pm UTC

You must be whitelisted. Submit your wallet address on Discord

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