It’s time for another round of CryptoArt Sundays! This week we have the amazing full-time NFT digital artist Chissweetart.
Chissweetart is an NFT photo-manipulation artist who works primarily with digital art, and dabbles in creating fantasy worlds and science fiction pieces. A lot of their art pieces are emotional, dark and surreal, expressing their healing journey through art.
So let’s dive in, check out some cool art and find out about Chissweetart’s NFT journey!
How did you find out about the NFT space, and what attracted you to create your own NFTs?
Actually, my mom was the one who told me about the NFT space. I have been an artist my whole life and had been into digital art for quite a while by then, so she thought it would be beneficial for me to try it out.
As for the NFT I was going to create, honestly at the time I was extremely rusty at making art as most of my time I had been doing graphic design for companies and it really widdled down my artistic abilities, or so I thought. So, when I started I just sold some old pieces of art for a bit and then I started to actually make some new art. The first one I did was the piece ‘Love’.
How often do you create?
I create pretty much most of the week. I usually take the weekends off to do errands, chores, and to spend time with my family.
What is your creative process?
My creative is process is, first if I don’t have an actual concrete idea of what I want to create I start looking through stocks of what I want to work with. Usually stock can spark my mind to think of what to make. This usually takes a while because I sift through a lot of stock trying to find the perfect one. Once I have the stock that works best for me I will put on the perfect tunes.
I have numerous playlists logged into my pandora ready to go and it usually depends on the piece I’m making to decide on which playlist to go with. I have an emotion playlist, all female weird music playlist, and then I have a sci-fi playlist for when I want something techie and unique.
I then start working with the art on my Photoshop getting all the layers aligned and sorted and start with the creative process. If the piece calls for finate details I will then send it over to my iPad and work on it there. Then once the piece is finished I will upload it.
Are there any CryptoArtists you would love to collaborate with?
Quite a few actually: One Robot, Chris Wahl, Clair Silver, Oak Arrow, Natalie Shau, and CryptoPom.
What do you think the future of CryptoArt will look like?
I have no idea honestly. I am constantly evolving into something and I have no idea where my creative process will take me but I am excited to see where it leads to.
What are you currently working on?
Currently I have some drops lined up and a lot of requests to take on projects but I am also working more on my emotional colorful portraits and my Weirdo collection. I also kind of dabble in some unique pieces that just flow into my collection on occasion.
Where can collectors find your work?
I have many marketplaces but you can find me on SuperRare, MakersPlace, Foundation, KnownOrigin, OpenSea, and Rarible.
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Ivelina is the Content Maestro of NFT Plazas. She has a knack for putting complex concepts into simple words.