The Case Against The PoolTogether Inc Co-Founder And Pooly NFTs
NFT News

The Case Against The PoolTogether Inc Co-Founder And Pooly NFTs

PoolTogether Inc., the Delaware corporation responsible for the blockchain-based app PoolTogether, faces a class-action lawsuit in federal court. Filed by a software engineer named Joseph Kent, the lawsuit challenges the legality of PoolTegthers protocol under New York’s laws against “lottery operations.” app-based, no-loss savings game where users can win prizes for depositing funds on the platform, using Defi protocols PoolTogether…

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Voyage in Paradise (ViP) Announces Groove Cruise Cabo Giveaway
NFT News

Voyage in Paradise (ViP) Announces Groove Cruise Cabo Giveaway

Voyage in Paradise (VIP) is launching the Groove Cruise Cabo Giveaway for its NFT community members. The world’s first ‘listen-to-earn’ project provides a unique chance to join this remarkable cruise, featuring some of the best DJs in the world. Working together with Groove Crusie, VIP offers several prizes, including a once in a lifetime trip to the music cruise event.…

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