NFT News

Using Blockchain To Shift The Focus Back On The Artist

Although streaming is a billion-dollar industry, few artists manage to make a living from streaming payouts. Fortunately, NFT music platforms like Atlanticus Music are working hard to disrupt the streaming industry and create a Web3 version that is more profitable to all artists. NFTevening caught up with Christian Riedi, Atlanticus Music‘ CEO, to discuss how Atlanticus Music is shifting the…

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Artist Robness Asks NFT Community For Help After His Dev Is A Scammer
NFT News

Artist Robness Asks NFT Community For Help After His Dev Is A Scammer

After discovering that his developer was a scammer, artist Robness calls the Twitter NFT community for help. Significantly, the news appears to have surfaced last minute. Robness was due to drop his new PFP NFT collection ‘DESKTOP STATUE SYSTEMS LTD’ the next day. Robness is a Californian artist known for his work in the NFT community. He has been involved…

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