Star Atlas Sandbox Voxedit NFT Contest
NFT News

The Sandbox Hooks Up with Star Atlas for Epic Design Contest

Premier virtual world, The Sandbox, has joined forces with epic space faring metaverse, Star Atlas. Together launching an incredible design contest with 50k $SAND tokens and a host of excellent spaceships up for grabs. To get in on the action, participants must jump into The Sandbox’ VoxEdit suite and get creative. Therein, designing and building a magnificent piece of headgear…

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💁 Different prices for the collection 💁

Please help me with a question. After uploading a large collection on Opensea, how can I automatically set different prices for NFTs depending on their properties? Or if this is not possible, then how to calculate and set prices manually? What are the tools to solve this problem? Or maybe it can be done at the stage of creating a…

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详情请点击展开或更多 如何购买? 截图微信扫码下单 或者 点击头像打开主页,点击官网链接下单 产品特点 支持安卓,Windows,iPhone,iPad …

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