
My Video of Crysis 1 (2007) is reached 5.000.000 views on my Youtube (Crysis Nuke). How a old game is (STILL TODAY) better than actual games. in years my video went VIRAL on the internet and it go on YouTube Trend 2021. there’s a NFT on the Description on my YouTue Video. What do you guys think?

My Video of Crysis 1 (2007) is reached 5.000.000 views on my Youtube (Crysis Nuke). How a old game is (STILL TODAY) better than actual games. in years my video went VIRAL on the internet and it go on YouTube Trend 2021. there’s a NFT on the Description on my YouTue Video. What do you guys think? View Reddit by…

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The Official Mr. Bean Collection Is Coming To Ethereum
NFT News

The Official Mr. Bean Collection Is Coming To Ethereum

This week, Mr. Bean gave us a sneak peek into its upcoming NFT collection built on Ethereum! The popular character partnered with global content producer Banijay and Fomo Lab, a popular NFT-focused platform. Together, the three collaborators will bring Mr. Bean’s iconic personality to the Metaverse. This year, Mr. Bean joins the list of popular characters to tap into NFTs!…

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Interview with Vaca Ninja NFT
NFT News

Interview with Vaca Ninja NFT

Chris: Hi there! Please introduce yourself.  Fred: Hello! I am Fred, co-founder and CMO of Vaca Ninja. I’ve been a developer for 22 years. Currently I’m working as IT Project Management consultant. I’m a Cardano/NFT enthusiast and I’m very excited about the our project, its innovative power and uniqueness. Chris: Vaca Ninjas are the most bovine CNFTs. What is your…

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