
Dubai vs. Lisbon for NFT Startups

Hello people, wanted to know your opinion about Dubai vs. Lisbon as a base for a base for NFT based work. Also how theyโ€™re developing into hubs in the future in this industry. View Reddit by Rajatk83 – View Source


Understanding The NFT Hype: How to Create and Sell an NFT Artwork?

Someone said that people don’t understand #NFTs, today the same way they didn’t understand online shopping in 1995. NFTs have garnered considerable hype in recent months, paving their way into mainstream culture. It only makes sense that everyone else wants to join the ever-expanding train of NFT creators as well. Therefore, we couldn’t miss a chance to dive deep and…

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Collider – Sound on /// Genesis on Foundation

Collider – Sound on /// Genesis on Foundation My genesis #NFT on @foundation is now live!๐Ÿ‘พ get it now for 0.3 ETH Collider // Sound on ๐Ÿ”Š#generativeart #MusicNFTs #NFTCommunity #NFTdrop — TA-YA.tez/eth/sol (@TA_YA_MUSIC) May 16, 2022 View Reddit by cozybrain – View Source

How NFTs Could Increase Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
NFT News

How NFTs Could Increase Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Despite incremental progress over the last few years, most creative industries are still controlled by white men. And for one reason or another, the artists that these gatekeepers choose to promote also tend to be white men. This has created a cycle of inequality, one which largely excludes women, people of color, and members of other underrepresented communities. In fact,…

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Artwork by Electron Microscope. Foundation, author: ingiopia. This picture is processed from a real electron microscope. Nanoporous metal is prepared in lab by dealloying process. Nanotomographic technique has been used for obtaining the 3D structure.

Artwork by Electron Microscope. Foundation, author: ingiopia. This picture is processed from a real electron microscope. Nanoporous metal is prepared in lab by dealloying process. Nanotomographic technique has been used for obtaining the 3D structure. View Reddit by LazyResponsibility80 – View Source