
Getting to know the new blockchain project, Now Introducing… MoonDAO

*“We choose to go to the Moon, not because it is easy, but because it is fun.”*

MoonDAO is an international collective of people united by the mission of decentralizing access to space research and exploration. We have a multi-year roadmap with ambitious milestones for space exploration. Our funding cycle is open until the next full moon (January 17th, 2022). If you like what we’re about, you can contribute [here]( in exchange for governance tokens. We did not pre-mine any tokens for the founders, VC investors, or anyone else, everyone receives the same terms! Also, this will be our one and only token supply creation, our token has a fixed supply. If you’d like to get involved you can be part of our community **(check the comment section to see the link)** to learn more about our goals, hang out, help out (and get paid), or share ideas and suggestions!

Hold on, what exactly is MoonDAO?

If you’re new to web3 or not hip on all the lingo: MoonDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO for short). This means we are a group of people that coordinate online in a decentralized manner and are united by a common mission. In our case, our mission is simple: **To decentralize access to space research and exploration**.

Why should we decentralize access to space?

We are currently living at the inflection point of a privatized space race. The implications of this exponential takeoff is massive, and its outcomes will define our future. Few people comprehend the magnitude of the opportunity to go to the Moon or Mars.

Creating an economic connection with an entirely new planet will be such a massive wealth creation opportunity that few can wrap their heads around. Trillions and trillions of dollars in mining for materials, manufacturing off-world, and constructing new civilizations. And who would benefit most from this? The people that are *already* the richest in the world: Elon Musk’s SpaceX, Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin, Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic.

Now, we don’t doubt that making life multi-planetary is a bad goal, quite the opposite, **we believe that making life multi-planetary is one of the most inspiring and important missions in our lifetime**, the big question is: *how?*

**We believe that an international, decentralized, inclusive, and transparent organization would be much better aligned with the needs of the everyday person.**

At MoonDAO we do not believe in “Emperors of the Moon,” “Kings of Mars,” or “CEOs of Space,” but instead **we believe in extending the unalienable rights of citizens of planet earth to the solar system and beyond, and sharing the benefits of space exploration with “the people.”**

Space travel isn’t nearly as far off as you might think, either, we are on the precipice of an exponential curve:


**Get connected via these links 👇👇**

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**Visit our official website:** [****](

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