NFT News

Interview with Historical Walruses NFT

Interview with Historical Walruses NFT

Hello community! Today’s guest is Marko Lupo — IT enthusiast, and media strategist of Historical Walruses.

Chris: Historical Walruses salutes great minds. What is the central theme behind the token?

Marko: We see that web3 and NFT itself are moving the market nowadays and we wanted to highlight important people in the history of the world, so the new era World wide web could always see these people through the prism of irony or over-exaggeration.

Chris: So, are there any specific number of tokens that you will release? What is the token release date?

Marko: Our artists prepared 150 unique arts of historical persons in walrus style. The release will be made in 3 parts. The first 50 tokens are already available on the OpenSea marketplace.

Chris: We also read that the tokens can be created as per demand. What happens when more than one individual requests the walrus version of the same historical character? How many tokens of the same historical person can be created?

Marko: We want to keep only 1 NFT of the person in the collection but sometimes have to leave that rule – there are cases where we should create multiple versions, though we won’t create multiple same people NFTs per demand.

Chris: On a similar note, please help us understand the token drop dates. Will all tokens be released on the same date?

Marko: Planned drop dates: 18th May, 18th June, and 18th July. Each of the drops will contain 50 new tokens.

Chris: Consequently, what will be the price per token? How much of the cost would account for gas?

Marko: Each token is evaluated in 0.1 ETH on the drop date. Our collection uses the ERC-1155 token standard with features of extremely low gas prices.

Chris: Moreover, what are the benefits of the token? What more can the investors do with their NFT?

Marko: This collection is aimed at art and collection value of items, there will be no more use of NFTs other than having a rare piece of art that will grow in price.

Chris: In the end, we would like you to describe the minting process in detail for your potential investors.

Marko: Minting is straightforward – we upload it on the OpenSea collection we have and pay the gas fee for minting. We upload short descriptions of NFTs into blockchain as well as images


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