NFT News

Interview with Lonely Stoner Dude NFT

Interview with Lonely Stoner Dude NFT

We are joined by Slick Oak — Creator & Co-Founder of the Lonely Stoner Dude (LSD).

Oak is a repeat entrepreneur with over 12 years of experience building tech start-ups from scratch to scale. He has been dabbling with Web3 & Blockchain since 2015 and got into the NFT game around 2020.

Chris: The Lonely Stoner Dude is a collection of 4 sets of NFT collections. What were your first inspirations for creating the NFT collection?

Slick: I have spent the past 15 years traveling the world and living all across the globe from North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. I have traveled wide and far. As a solo traveler, you often get lonely, and it’s always hard to get started from scratch in building your social circle. However, I realized a common red thread across all the friendships I have formed worldwide: all of my friends enjoy cannabis. Not only to get high but the whole culture that comes with it. It’s incredible how cannabis culture transcends geographies, languages, and social barriers. 

Then it clicked with me! So hold on a second, why aren’t we leveraging the power of NFTs to build a cannabis culture lifestyle community that stretches across the globe. That’s when LSD came to life! The founding team reflects that story. Our artist is from Dubai, our web3 developer is from Canada, our mod is from the US, and I am based in Sweden! 

I have also to note that we are reclaiming the word “Dude” as a gender-neutral term. That’s why our lonely stoner dudes are as diverse as the light spectrum. 

Chris: The Lonely Stoners Dudes are also a part of a swanky community. What is this community and how can investors participate in the activities of the community?

Slick: Our primary hangout is our Discord, and our community is open to the public. Anyone can join us, access tons of content, and even participate in conversations in our general thread. Of course, LSD holders will be entitled to special privileges and access to hidden channels. 

One thing that sets our community apart is that we are built 100% organic. We like our community, like our buds, organic. We do not tolerate bots, chatters, and spammers. Instead, we have created a unique environment where all conversations are genuine, lighthearted, and fun. We are constantly co-creating with our community and utilizing the funds raised from the sales to create drops in both VR & IRL that they will love and appreciate. So being part of our community gives you a lot more than a JPEG and bragging rights.

Chris: Also, what are the different characteristics and features of the NFT? How is each token unique?

Slick: The first drop already took place on April 20th, which was called the Lonely Stoner Dude | OG Edition. In this collection, we have released only 50 LSDs for 0.01ETH each. The collection completely sold out during the first 30 mins of pre-sale.

The second drop, the hustlers’ edition, was launched on May 4th, and here we have introduced new traits related to space travel. The collection featured 150 extremely unique Lonely Stoner Dudes at the price point of 0.025ETH. We are on the verge of selling out, so hurry up if you have not gotten one yet. 

The third drop is The Blazers Edition, which will feature 800 LSDs at 0.06ETH, and the fourth drop is titled The Tokers Edition, and it will feature 9,420 NFTs at 0.08ETH. 

We have over 500 traits across 7 categories. The total of theoretically possible LSDs is in the trillions, of which only 10,420 are randomly selected. That is quite a lot by any generative art collection standards. That’s why we have decided to break down the collection into four drops, wherein each drop, we can select specific features we would like to occur more. The rare features will be more abundant per capita in the first three drops. But we will also include new features in every single drop, leaving you with something iconic in every round! All LSD holders, regardless of the drop sequence, will get full access to the benefits of the community and the road map activations. However, early supporters will undoubtedly get a more active voice in the project’s direction plus some extra perks.

Chris: Additionally, what will be the minting cost of the token? How many tokens can be minted in one transaction?

Slick: For the current Hustlers Edition Collection, each token will cost 0.025ETH. You can buy either 1, a pack of 3, or 5. If you decide to mint multiple ones simultaneously, you will save a ton on gas fees, something to keep in mind. 

Chris: More importantly, when is the drop for the first collection? How does one keep abreast of the latest news at Lonely Stoner Dude?

Slick: The Hustlers Edition Collection is minting as we speak. Only 50 are left, so hurry up and snatch yourself a Lonely Stoner Dude! The best way to stay up to date on future drops and get whitelisted is to join us on Discord and follow us on Twitter. We are very active on both channels, so join the party!

Chris: Lastly, what is the minting process for the NFT collection? Please clarify all steps in detail.

Slick: Very simple, all you have to do is go to our official site; go to our home page, and you will find the mint button there. From a desktop, you can connect with coinbase or metamask. If you are using mobile, you can connect through WalletConnect, which supports the following wallets (Rainbow, Trust, Argent, Metamaks, Gnosis Safe, Pillar, imToken, ONTO, TokenPocket, Math, Steak, BitPay, WallETH, Ledger Live. )

You will be given the option to buy one or a package of 3 or 5 LSDs. If you decide to buy a package, you will pay a reduced gas fee. Once the mint is complete, you will receive the NFT in your wallet, and the NFT will be released into Opensea if you wish to resell it.


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