NFT News

Cardano’s Next Blue Chip in The Making

The Seal Society Twitter banner

Feast your eyes on one of the hottest new NFTs on Cardano, The Seal Society. This collection of digitally illustrated avatars has been off to a red hot start since its launch last week. Let’s find out more about the project, and how it managed to ascend the Cardano ranks so early.

The Seal Society collection sold out instantly, and hasn’t stopped growing since!

What is The Seal Society?

The Seal Society is a collection of 3,333 CNFTs (NFTs on the Cardano blockchain). This collection features sophisticated-looking seals in a variety of outfits and accessories. Clearly, the realist style of the art has struck a chord with the CNFT space. After all,  it’s beginning to look like a top NFT collection in the Cardano ecosystem in less than a week.

The Seal Society project launched its presale on May 6th, following up with its public sale on May 7th. Impressively, the collection sold out in the first two minutes. What’s more, after minting at a price of 55 ADA, the collection floor now sits at 240 ADA – about $400 at the time of writing. As a matter of fact, The Seal Society is the second overall collection by 7-day trade volume on the Cardano NFT marketplace, JPG Store.

List of Seal Society Colonies
The six colonies all play different roles within the project ecosystem.

The Six Seal Society colonies and $FISH

Naturally, the project comes with a captivating story. Basically, the project world is set in an alternate Earth where seals are the top species. Indeed, these seals form their own society with their own currency, culture, and art.

As part of the lore, the Seal Society is split up into six different colonies. To list, these are Sophisticated, Agent, Robotics, Military, 9-5, and Party.  Significantly, each seal plays a particular role within its colony. In addition, the type of seal you hold affects the kinds of rewards that you will get, as shown in the image above.

animated seal wearing a suit eating a pizza
The 3,333 Seal NFTs have a variety of traits reflecting the world behind the collection.

This clever distribution of perks adds a ton of excitement to the collection. As a result, holders may angle to secure a seal from a specific colony, or perhaps even one from each. In any case, these extra factors add some really interesting intra-collection utility. Not to mention that no matter what colony your CNFT belongs to, you have full IP rights for any Seal Society CNFTs that you hold.

Seal NFT with superhero costume
These impressively illustrated Seals are making noise on the Cardano blockchain.

The $FISH Marketplace

Needless to say, any society needs some form of economy, and this is no different. To clarify, the project team is working on a marketplace for the Seal Society CNFT ecosystem. $FISH will be the central token of the Cardano-based marketplace, through which Seal holders will be able to trade both digital and physical goods.

The total supply of $FISH will be 10 billion. Seal holders will be able to stake their CNFTs to earn $FISH, which they can then use to buy merch, NFTs, and other digital assets.

All in all, the Seal Society is a very promising, community-driven CNFT collection. It’s off to a great start, and will surely look to build on its foundations to rise through the Cardano ranks.


To learn more about this exciting CNFT project, head on over to The Seal Society website. You can also stay up-to-date by following The Seal Society on Twitter and joining its community on Discord.

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