
What are your thoughts on NFT games?

It’s incredible how some individuals fail to recognize the benefits of blockchain gaming. Are you aware that these games assisted some folks in providing food for their families? Some people, believe it or not, rely financially on these games.

In 2021, blockchain-based play-to-earn games stole the show, but there are still game makers that aren’t on board with blockchain, which I don’t understand because there are many more benefits than drawbacks.

I was astonished to see that, according to recent data, more than 70% of game developers are uninterested in blockchain or cryptocurrencies. This also implies that, while 30% are intrigued to vary degrees, the overall sentiment is negative.

So what would you believe the major cause is? Do you believe that will change in the near future?

From playing Alien Worlds and racing games like K4 Rally (and believe me, I was a major fan of traditional racing games), I guess I’m going to stick to these kinds of games, well, I’ll keep playing WOW, but that’s all, my cravings have been satisfied.

What are your thoughts on NFT games?

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