NFT News

Hyped Up Rumor Drags Cool Cats NFT Into The Azuki Drama

NFT Evening

Damn. After all the buzz with Azuki this morning, Cool Cats NFT project got dragged into the drama as well. If you haven’t heard, the Azuki NFT founder, ZAGABOND.ETH, has just admitted to 3 failed NFT projects before launching the Azuki NFT collection. In spite of all this, rumors were rife that the Cool Cats NFT team was the one who forced ZAGABOND.ETH to come clean about his past failures.

What? Who? Me? I ain’t got anything to do with the Azuki drama! Credit: Cool Cats NFT.

How did the Cool Cats NFT got dragged into the Azuki drama?

It all started with a Twitter user named @thelvlsix. According to @thelvlsix, he heard that the Cool Cats NFT team was blackmailing the Azuki NFT team out of vengeance. Later, another Twitter user @0xHustler went on to spread the same rumor across Twitter. With words spreading like wildfire, many people began to fall for the gossip on Twitter.

Were Cool Cats actually responsible for the rumor?

To be honest, that was a pretty serious allegation against Cool Cats. But the short answer is “no”. As of now, we are not able to confirm whether the Cool Cats NFT team is actually responsible for the Azuki drama.

In addition, what could Cool Cats possibly gain from this? One thing for sure is that Cool Cats is already a successful NFT project in the space. Given that there is no solid evidence to back this up, most probably this is just another rumor to FUD other people’s bags. All things considered, we should just take the Cool Cats rumor with a grain of salt.

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