
Samurai NFTs, GF breakup and the CEO


I’m on a throwaway since I dont want to doxx my regular old acc.

Most of my net worth has been in crypto for the past years. At the beginning of the year I started minting some NFTs of a project that is all about Samurais. I really liked the art and even bought some Katana and Wakizashi swords irl. My longtime GF kept getting more and more annoyed over time when I talked about Samurais and their culture or way of living. Over all the coming weeks I successively moved nearly all my money into the Samurai NFTs.

Fast forward to yesterday: My GF wanted to talk to me about something important. She said that she hates the Samurais and my obsession. Called me infantile and childish and told me that she has an affair with a guy who has “a real job” since he seems to be the CEO of a company.

I regret getting into the NFTs in the first place and already left the discrd. Told her that I will sell all the Samurais but she wants to be with the “CEO”. I want her back…i love her

What have I done?

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