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Kraft Heinz Turns To The Metaverse To Solve Lunchables Supply Process

Kraft Heinz ketchup packets

Food and beverage giant, Kraft Heinz is planning to use the metaverse to solve its supply chain issues. The idea is to get Lunchables, Velveeta, and ketchup to the shelves faster, and in turn, into customers’ hands. Accordingly, the US company partnered with Microsoft last month to use its cloud platform to help the firm virtually replicate its supply lines.

Kraft Heinz is hopping on what they call the “industrial metaverse”. Credit: Unsplash

“We’re really committed to supporting our customers in…what we call the industrial metaverse,” Lorraine Bardeen, CTO of Microsoft Industry Solutions told CNN. “This means that Kraft Heinz will be able to put their products…into consumers’ hands faster.”

How will Kraft Heinz’s metaverse plans work?

According to Carlos Abrams-Rivera, Kraft Heinz’s president of North America, some of the firm’s products were “trapped” in its logistics system during the pandemic-induced lockdowns. To combat this, the company has created a “digital twin” model of its supply chain in the metaverse.

To explain, the digital model will help the company solve its issues digitally. This way, Kraft Heinz will be able to foresee and avoid any lockdown-like issues in the future. In addition, it will be able to automate and speed up the process during increased demands. 

So, how exactly will Kraft Heinz achieve this? The digital twins will allow the company “to map the entire factory to see the best flow”. A single Kraft factory manufactures a range of products, from ketchup to vinegar and more. A virtual mapping of a manufacturing facility will thus enable the firm to identify any flaws better. 

What’s more, the model could even help the company catch errors in advance! All in all, what Kraft Heinz is doing is yet another incredible example of what metaverses can offer, aside from gaming and NFTs.

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