
Guest List Gallery on Opensea (polygon Network)

I’ve released a new NFT collection on Opensea called “Guest List Gallery.” Each personally made piece of NFT art gives the buyers the opportunity to have a say in the projects steps to reaching the goal in becoming one of the more valuable NFT’s out there; and honestly being a part of what I believe is the first NFT project to implement revenue for both the holders and myself being the creator of the project. To make the utility side of things short and sweet, once the NFT is purchased I would implement the artwork into apparel which would be sold on Amazon to expose it obviously to a larger market to increase brand awareness leading to sales on my own personal website and basically go from whatever the outcome may be depending on sales. The NFT’s are I would for sure say listed way above average price of basically an unknown NFT collection; but the owner of each specific piece of artwork gets 40% of each apparel sale. Would love to get some feedback on what I’ve already listed on opensea; again collection is linked created over 200 pieces of personal art which I’ve attached a few images along with my cute little rant. Let me know if you have any thoughts, suggestions or if interested in purchasing

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