
Today’s Twitter Posts

Here are today’s posts about NFTs and drops:

– DeeZeReally disappointing there isn’t a sugarfish in my shitty Midwest city
DeeZe@McDonaldsXBT @Wizardofsol I’m a no Gemmyer like I’m a not regular so I’m sure these are gonna rip
Drop_Your_NFTDrop your #NFT under 1 Eth
DeeZe@Cooopahtroopa We miss la 🫠🥲🥹
DeeZeRT @Call_Me_Corny: I wish @DeezeFi never tweeted about these… So good, but now I’m gonna be fat like @gainzxbt
DeeZe@norcalandshill @kristophershinn @MeLlamoMatt @chevy_pop @GuyNorcal 💙❤️💙❤️
DeeZeRT @norcalandshill: Some of my favorite pieces from @kristophershinn below, owned by:
@MeLlamoMatt, @DeezeFi, @chevy_pop, and @GuyNorcal,…
DeeZe@Bonecondor Still is good
DeeZeRT @NTmoney: 6/ Their whole approach to NFTs has been off

Months of vaporware to drum up hype and then an Instagram-like feed for NFT infl…
DeeZe@Arinabbart There is always another cycle

It took me 3 years of waiting to capitalize
BeanieRT @enddotgame: Greetings Players,

In case you missed the End Game alpha drop, here is a summary of what was released.🧵…
Farokh@Ed_Balloon HAHAHA
King of the NFTCommunityRT @lchlch58: $5,500 in #ETH 10 Winners
RT & follow me “done”
DeeZeRT @Micah_Johnson3: Trade #4: @DeezeFi and @bryanbrinkman showed off their Hoodies and I realized our team lacked versatility. Thus, a move…
DeeZe@Micah_Johnson3 @bryanbrinkman @HungVPham Ooooooooo weeeeee that’s a clean one
DeeZe@Arinabbart @triumph36_gm I’ve done at least a half dozen at this point haha and podcasts!

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