
Can AI and NFTs reduce poverty in the world?

AI, artificial intelligence, is becoming more and more powerful these days and I believe it can eliminate poverty. With the introduction of GANs, Generative Adversarial Networks it is possible for computers to create art. There are AI-generated works on the opensea marketplace now, such as the collection I put up called Poverty Buster which is a collection of NFTs that was made with a GAN.

[I call this Ukraine Bloody but Unbowed on opensea](

I called this collection the poverty buster because I believe that AI will solve the poverty problem by redistributing the modes of production in our society. These AIs are open to anyone to get and use. This is just one example -[\_%28z%2Bquantize\_method\_with\_augmentations%2C\_user\_friendly\_interface%29.ipynb]( where the unique prompt can produce strikingly beautiful art and animations.

With this true wealth can be generated by AI that is distributed to everyone. As wealth increases, in our society, poverty decreases. In order for wealth to increase, the people in society must have two things. First is a product or service that has value to others. Second a distribution system to get the product or service to whoever wants it. I believe AI is now strong enough to handle both of these.

Please tell me what you think of the possibility of poverty being eliminated by AI that can generate art and stories and more. Do you think the flood of NFTs to the market will reduce their value? I don’t think so because they are all unique, but what do you think? What problems will have to be overcome? Do you think this is a good idea? Do you think it is worth investing your time in?

[Ukraine Bloody but Unbowed picture](

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