NFT News

Interview with Karma Cats NFT

Interview with Karma Cats NFT

We are joined by Tyler Collins — Creator of Karma Cats NFT is an internationally recognized Author, Speaker, Marketing Agency & Yoga Retreats Business Owner.

Chris: Karma Cats is the only NFT with a 10X guarantee! What exactly does 10X mean and what’s the guarantee?

Tyler: 10X is the guaranteed return our holders can expect by minting the NFT from the website during presale or public sale. We will measure 10X returns by the floor price of the collection on OpenSea, and redeemable value through utility. It’s simple, we guarantee a 10X return or your money back. We want our holders to feel confident and secure, so we are taking all the risk. The pressure is on us to deliver value long-term, and we have several unique ways of doing that.

10X symbolizes our level of commitment. We are holding ourselves accountable to a level 10x what is expected of us by our community. We vow to invest 10 times the amount of resources necessary to make this project successful. 10x the time, energy, and capital. 10x the resources, talent, and expertise. 10x creativity, passion, and love.

Chris: What is the free 3D Karma Cat? What additional benefits come from 3D Karma Cat?

Tyler: All holders of the original Karma Cat NFT will be allowed to claim a 3D Karma Cat for Free. This will be a completely separate, larger 10K collection that will drop in 6-8 weeks after our public sale. The 3D sneak peeks are already dropping on our socials and discord and the community is hyped. We are very excited about the art and the metaverse functionality of these avatars. We believe in strong utility and we want to give our holders opportunities to build their asset portfolios. This is one of our first ways of delivering measurable value by holding the NFT. Also, 100% of the royalties from this 3D collection go back to the community wallet (Karma Fund).

Chris: Moreover, Karma Cats will launch a Yoga retreat and apparel brand. What is the central idea behind the NFT?

Tyler: YES. Yoga and adventure retreatsaregoing to be a huge component of the NFT utility and community DAO. Additionally, a lifestyle apparel brand will be launched with a holder-owned ecommerce store from which profits go back into the community fund. The reason both of these business models were chosen is because I am already operating both of them. I’ve been building and marketing large clothing and sporting goods brands for 20+ years as a digital marketing, own several online stores of my own. Yoga, spirituality, and healing arts became a big part of my life during some difficult times, and today I run an international yoga retreat business with a partner. We take hundreds of people around the world to exotic destinations like Costa Rica, El Salvador, Bali, Mexico, and other amazing places. We are integrating these business models into the NFT utility because this industry could greatly benefit from the incredible adventure experiences we offer.

Chris: Who else is on the team? How does each one of them contribute to the Karma Cats NFT?

Tyler: Our team consists of 19 people in total, not including various outside contractors for promotional one-offs. The core team is comprised of myself, Amol the artist, Vitor the smart contract developer, Jel public relations, Miko the server admin, the team from MetaLaunchers who are running our 32,000 member Discord community, and many others. We have a full Doxxed list in our Discord, Twitter, and on our website. Everybody on the team operates with integrity and an anti-rug mindset. We are very strong in our principles and vision for what we are bringing to the space.

Chris: The Karma Catsaremade up of different factions. Can you explain? What are the important traits and characteristics of the token?

Tyler: While creating the Karma Cats, I decided it was important to incorporate the spiritual principles and concepts that have been so impactful in my life. These universal principles are expressed in the different archetypes (factions) of the cats. They are Healers, Warriors, Givers, Guardians, Creators, Hunters, Optimists, Scholars, Architects, Catalysts, Angels, Lovers, Mystics, Rebels, Lightworkers, Degens, and Legends. Each represent different qualities we embody at different times or periods of our lives, and some may really resonate with people more than others. Eventually, our community activities will be centered around these sub-community factions, which is where lots of fun things will happen.

Chris: What is the Presale and Public Sale mint price? Will the gas fees be high?

Tyler: We are offering a very low mint price to reverse the risk for buyers and to lower the barrier of entry for any and all NFT enthusiasts. The whitelist/presale will be 0.02 ETH, and the public sale will mint at 0.03 ETH. Our smart contract is built on Ethereum ERC-721a and is highly optimized for the lowest possible gas fees, maybe $15 or so tops. We believe our mint price is an appropriate cost given the state of the industry. What’s also important for people to know is that we are not relying on mint revenue to fund our roadmap like most projects. Everything we have planned is pre-funded, so our holders can relax knowing we are thinking long term and treating this like a business.

Chris: At last, what are your plans for the future of the Karma Cats? How do you plan to introduce the merch store to your investors?

Tyler: An important long-term development will be the formation of Karma Labs, the community DAO which will govern and direct all development initiatives under the Karma Cats brand. Together, we are building a sustainable and profitable yoga retreat business that makes it possible for anyone to experience world class adventure experiences. The online store will also be a fun and profitable endeavor, allowing our holders to use their NFTs to Print-On-Demand with IP rights and a true ownership experience of an apparel brand. Amazing things can come from empowering people and uniting them together. The strength of our community is our top priority, now and long term. We are really excited about how much support our project is getting from people all over the world. We have all types of people, experienced investors, whales, blue chip holders, celebrities, and newbies. Anyone looking at the NFT industry and not sure where to start, Karma Cats is a great project to get involved with. We welcome anyone with open arms.

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