
What do you think is most important in NFT games, in your opinion?

Workplace dynamics have changed dramatically in the previous decade as a result of improved internet access, which has driven the birth of new business models.

One such model is the play-to-learn approach, which is changing the gaming environment and has been strengthened by blockchain and NFT. I heard a lot of different thoughts on these games, some of them are playing these games only because of potential earnings, some of them are really happy with the gameplay and some of them are interested in both things.

I played so many types of these games, I noticed how it becomes to me personally the most important gameplay, cause I don’t consider these games as a job, I play them cause I want to have fun like every other video game that doesn’t work on p2e model, earnings are just plus here.

Even if tomorrow’s K4 Rally (the game I play) doesn’t have this p2e approach I would continue playing it since I really like the gameplay, I was since I was a kid obsessed with racing games, so even it has great benefits, award in racing tournaments and you can really earn, I’m more into that part which considers the quality of the game, gameplay itself, etc.

How do you see these games, what do you find the most important? Do you play them just because of earnings and awards or you’re interested in both awards and having fun while playing them?

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