NFT News

Pixelmon’s Last Tweet Was Over 55 Days Ago, But At Least We Have Kevin

NFT Evening

Remember Pixelmon? The absolute monstrosity of 3d rendered characters that look like something straight out of a fever dream? Whether an avid NFT buyer or just a meme enthusiast, the grotesque face of Kevin and his horrid banana fingers have plagued the internet since Pixelmon’s generation 1 release.Kevin artwork 0/10 Ship in the back 10/10Credit: OpenseaThe Infamous KevinAfter accumulating over $70 million in primary sales, the team clamored out hollow promises of revamping the artwork. But, as you may have noticed, these promises never came to fruition.Someone owes Kevin an apology…However, in the end, the internet always wins. Kevin’s “chewed bubble gum” body & determined gaze left viewers stunned in laughter as memes of Kevin filled the internet. As Kevin’s popularity rose to its apex, so did sales. As those fortunate enough to snag a Kevin during mint could sell him back for nearly 24,000 dollars. At this time, the floor price for a lovely Kevin sits at 2.8 ETH. (roughly $8,000) With the last sale being nearly 48hrs ago.Though with no activity and their Twitter, broken promises, and failed art, the project takes the form of another failed project that scammed their community out of their money. Yet, those able to capitalize on the publicity of the poorly pictured Kevin seem to hold no grudges with any of Pixelmon’s failed endeavors regarding fixing their NFT collection.The rise of NFTs has led to glorious works from various artists such as World Of Women, BAYC, and the notorious works of Beeple that stand in a category of their own. NFTs have evolved from “useless Jpegs” to empowering corporations and artists worldwide through countless refinements and utility advancements. However, it is those like our darling Kevin that provide the community with hope for the future: cause if Kevin can make it…we all can.Are you tired of missing important NFT drops?Just check out our NFT Calendar!Receive the biggest NFT news of the day & recommendations in our Daily newsletter.  All investment/financial opinions expressed by are not recommendations.This article is educational material.As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.

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