NFT News

Farokh Comes Under Fire For Publicy Doxxing An Enemy NFT Influencer

NFT Evening

Famous NFT influencer, Farokh, is under fire on Twitter after accusations of Doxxing another NFT influencer, ArtHouseGarbage. Reportedly, this all started after ArtHouseGarbage named his account Farokh on the new CoinBase NFT marketplace and put it up for sale for 100 ETH, which some people have also called out.However, it appears as though he has now changed it to something else. Doxxing is considered a massive no-no in the crypto community.Farokh, a popular NFT creator and collector is being accused of Doxxing another NFT influencer.In the last 24 hours, many people have tweeted to raise concerns about Farokhs actions, the man behind Rug Radio, the decentralized media platform.Farokh questions the Doxxing accusations against himSince the accusations of Doxxing against Farokh, he has taken to Twitter to defend himself. In a tweet, Farokh said, “Saying I doxxed him is a false accusation and a narrative haters are running with to come at me. He was as doxxed as I am, lmao. Google.”Farokh raises an important question. Is it possible to dox someone publicly available to find on Google? For many, it is the process of Doxxing someone, which is the toxic act itself, not whether you can find the information on google.As usual, Twitter is divided. Both are popular NFT influencers, and their followers support them whatever happens. It is sad to see someone as influential as Farokh under scrutiny for allegedly doxxing someone.Security is hugely vital to NFT and crypto users.Finally, in recent weeks, we have seen an increase in NFT scams. If someone is anonymous online, they usually want to protect themselves from such attacks. Make sure you keep up to date with the latest scams and protect yourself as much as possible.Are you tired of missing important NFT drops?Just check out our NFT Calendar!Receive the biggest NFT news of the day & recommendations in our Daily newsletter.  All investment/financial opinions expressed by are not recommendations.This article is educational material.As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.

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