NFT News

Solana Crypto Wallet ‘Phantom’ Launches on Android

Phantom Wallet Android Solana Launch

Solana crypto wallet Phantom has officially gone live on Android. Through this addition, users of the world’s most popular operating system will now be able to use the self-dubbed ‘friendliest crypto wallet’ to make low-fee crypto and NFT transactions through the touch of a few buttons. 
The launch features all of the newly released Phantom features, including its shiny push notification and ‘Recent Activity’ functions which allow transactions to take place with instant status confirmations. Phantom on Android will also include the platform’s specialized wallet functionality which allows sending, receiving, buying, and staking crypto and NFTs to be done effortlessly whilst on the go, as well as its mobile dApp browser which allows the magic of Solana and Web3 to be explored at the user’s fingertips.
The platform also shed light on what its entrance into the Android sphere will mean for the future, as it stated that with performance optimization at its forefront, it will continue to provide the best quality crypto wallet experience to users across all platforms. It also stated that in the next few months, users can expect to see the introduction of more innovative features, especially around NFTs.
Amongst hyping up its Android launch, Phantom also took the time to thank its 50,000+ community who helped test and give feedback on its beta version. It gave a special shout-out to those in high-adopting Android countries such as India, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
Check out Phantom >> Website 
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